Pomegranate Design Open - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and pomegranates.
Pomegranate Design Closed - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
Pomegranate Design in Shipper - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
Pomegranate Design in Shipper Full - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
Slanted Grape Clamshell - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
Grape Design Rendered - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
Grape Clamshell Rendered - These are various clamshells I have designed for fruit packaging. The two here are for grapes and papayas.
David Zarcone
Product & Package Designer San Luis Obispo, CA