Flying Saucer - A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
Flying Saucer on approach - A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
Flying Saucer on approach - A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
Flying Saucer on approach - A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
The new master race arrives - A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
A mixed technique of 3D modeling and Photoshop, and a little scotch.
Oh no, Crap Circles! - Putting a crop circle into a kitty litter box can look good, and tells you unusual events may be afoot.
Finielle, 3-eyed Blablacat, from Alpha Centauri - It's only a montage, but I like using photographs for further processing.
UFO Sighting
Zelman Menashi
Mr Dunedin, New Zealand