Solo - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a ‘chair’ should look like and how it might be used.
Solo - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a ‘chair’ should look like and how it might be used.
Communicating - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Solo - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Solo - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
We do - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Staying - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Solo - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Solo - My work investigates the way in which furniture can operate within the wider concerns of ‘art’ and effect psychological thought and emotional expression. My goal is to explore the way that furniture can be endowed with ‘personality’ to evoke the users’ subconscious emotion and feeling.
Solo - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a ‘chair’ should look like and how it might be used.
We are alike - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
Solo - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
accompany - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
accompany - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
Chatting - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
All together - In my work, I am attempting to deconstruct social relationships that develop between furniture and its users by breaking down stereotypical expectations of for example what a “chair” should look like and how it might be used.
Start a conversation with furniture
Calie Zhao
墨尔本, Australia