"the adventures of salt water taffy" - oil and pencils on wood, 19in x 24in
"rain" - oil and pencils on wood, 24in x 24in
"off the boat" - oil and graphite on wood, 28in x 28in
"the siren" - oil and pencils on wood, 10in x 10in
"amphibious" - oil and pencils on wood, 28in x 28in
"school of fish tacos" - oil and pencils on wood 20in x 32in
"by land and sea" - oil and graphite on wood 25in x 30in
"pisces" - oil and graphite on wood 28in x 28in
"from el dorado" - oil on wood 9.5in x 16in
"Maya" - oil, pencils and acrylic on wood 16in x 16in
"Silvia goes fishing" - oil on wood 12inx 16in
"sea salt" - oil and pencils on wood 13in x 27in
"tea time" - oil on wood 12in x 16in
"rabbit stew" - oil and pencils on wood 32in x 32in
"the republic" - oil and pencils on wood 31in x 41in
mango and piña - oil and pencils on wood 16in x 20in my painting for Jarritos, the Mexican soda brand
mami wata - oil and graphite on hand-cut wood 24.5in x 32in
all mixed up - oil, graphite and acrylic on wood. 11in x 22in
lyonnaise - oil and pencils on wood. 16in x 31in
[ bull ] - oil and pencils on wood 32in x 35in
[ liquid ] - oil & pencils on wood 11in x 26in
[ mannequin in spanish orange ] - pencils on wood
[ sandpaper ] - oil & pencils on wood. 10in x 36in
[ ambassador of desert warfare ]
[ popo ] - oil & graphite on wood 36in x 36in
[ storm of the peacock ] - oil & graphite on wood 36in x 36in
[ dimebag ] - darrell abbott graphite on wood 23in across
[ waiting at red tide ]
[ epico, peaches ]
[ barrels of pickle soup ]
[ payara ]
[ tumble rinse repeat ]
[ our Lady of low tide ]
[ dolls and balls ] - oil & graphite on wood. 10.5in x 36in
[ hang 6 ] - silkscreen & oil on wood
[ aqua mannequin ]
[ beduin ]
[ warsaw 2 ]
[ betrayal ]
[ goal!! ]
[ can't touch this ]
[ greening ]
oil and graphite paintings