All Black ZeroThis design using contrast material, express a Zero cold atmosphere. Bottle main body is matte black material, which marks part of the effect of mirror piano.In low light situations, the whole is pure black, nothing to express the feeling of nothingness. Once there is a ray of light, signs can be reflecting some strange mysterious luxury of light.all black zero, Coca-Cola to bring you a whole new experience. Deep, mysterious, and masculine?

All Black ZeroThis design using contrast material, express a Zero cold atmosphere. Bottle main body is matte black material, which marks part of the effect of mirror piano.In low light situations, the whole is pure black, nothing to express the feeling of nothingness. Once there is a ray of light, signs can be reflecting some strange mysterious luxury of light.all black zero, Coca-Cola to bring you a whole new experience. Deep, mysterious, and masculine?

all black zero