The concept of this design project is continuity. Continuity according to me is to move forward, that is movement. It is something which evokes ones curiosity to comprehend as to where it starts and where it ends. The only thing that one could see in continuity would be a glimpse or a moment of it. So I have taken the banyan tree as my inspiration to develop a collection of constructed fabrics to reflect continuity. To me the banyan tree depicts longevity, survival and strength. The entwining vines and branches draw out a visual play of movement and the strife to grow.
Explorations on hand knitting.
Explorations using linear materials.
Sandwiching materials between soluble sheets through machine-stitching.
Exploring with jute.
Arashi shibori and hand stitching.
Explorations using medical bandages. The strips are further dyed to meet the colors of the reference.
Surface ornamentation using the techniques of dyeing, aari stitching and running copper wires.
Wear and tear of a multiple layered fabric to explore textures.
Interwinding arashi shibori.
Patterning arashi shibori through hand-stitching.
Burning layers of felt and cotton to create the texture of the bark.
Machine and hand stiching on a felt fabric to create dimensions.
Sandwiching foam to create reliefs and dimension.
For the final product I have made a garment by taking forward the exploration I have made with felt. I have taken the 'drape and cut' by simply putting on a muslin fabric on one side the body form and then marked the desired pattern.
Once the fabric is off the body form, I used the cut fabric as a stencil to create the symmetrical patterns.
Then each panel of fabric is consciously sewn on an embroidery machine to create lines. The stitches also help the fabric to have a sturdy characteristics to stabilize the form.
Fabric Construction

The concept of this design project is continuity. Continuity according to me is to move forward, that is movement. It is something which evokes ones curiosity to comprehend as to where it starts and where it ends. The only thing that one could see in continuity would be a glimpse or a moment of it.

Zosangpuii Pachuau
Textile Designer Aizawl, India