Mentor in the R.A.I.C. Syllabus Design Studio
R.A.I.C. Syllabus
Sep 2015 - Present (9 years 4 months)
* Develop and issue assignments based on course criteria
* Provide instruction and comments of student work progress while encouraging student development throughout the course. * Assess student work and development based on course criteria
* Encourage in the students an appreciation of architecture by promoting an independent exposure to lectures, exhibitions, literature, culture and all fields that influence architecture.
Group Ex Instructor
GoodLife FitnessR
Toronto, Canada
Jul 2013 - Present (11 years 7 months)
• Group Exercise Instructor on Toronto City 2013-present
• Group Fitness Instructor by Les Millstm International Certifications Mexico-Canada 2007-2015
• CPR and AED certification annually updated Mexico-Canada 2007-present
• Jillian Michaels Body Shredtm Certification Toronto, On Canada January 2014
• FIS certification by Canfitpro (Fitness Instructor Specialist) Toronto, On Canada 2012
Peer Advisor and Mentor Coach by INTERNATIONAL PILOT Mentoring Program at Students Affairs
PALCentre George Brown College
Sep 2012 - Apr 2014 (1 year 7 months)
• Participated as a Mentor for International pilot program, created a supportive environment where mentees could
come for assistance and coaching around academic and personal goals.
• Helped international students and advised them on any academic issue about their programs collaborated with PAL Centre
• Encourage in the students an appreciation of architecture by promoting an independent exposure to lectures,
exhibitions, literature, culture and all fields that influence architecture.
VOLUNTEER Fitness Instructor
YMCA Central Grosvenor Street
Toronto, Canada
Sep 2011 - Sep 2012 (1 year)
• Taught different kind of fitness classes as a VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTOR such as cardio, strength, stretch and core conditioning classes for young and old adult people from high intensity to gentle impact.
Architectural Designer
Figueroa & Ibarra Arquitectos, México
Aguascalientes, Mexico
2007 - 2011 (4 years)
• Provided technical expertise and guidance in preparation of efficient datasets, layouts, work statements, drawings and delivery schedules.
• Developed design ideas and create design presentations.
• Directed the production of construction documents, drawings and specifications.
• Built CAD drawings based on information provided by customers and engineers.
• Projects included large scale residential and low rise commercial.
• Prepared engineering support for in-house projects.
Project Designer
Secretaria de Obras Publicas del Estado de Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, Mexico
2005 - 2007 (2 years)
• Review architectural documents for potential conflict with all disciplines.
• Completed design work for in-house projects.
• Built CAD drawings based on information provided by customers and engineers.
Project Designer
Secretaria de Turismo del Estado de Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, Mexico
2003 - 2005 (2 years)
• Prepare information regarding design, specifications, materials and equipment
• Conducted research needed to complete architectural projects.
• Built CAD drawings based on information provided by customers and engineers.