'Zombie Rehabilitation Project' (2012) WRITER/DIRECTOR: Tom Day ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Danny Ord DOP: Dan Atherton RUN TIME: 00:20:02 SHOT ON: Sony F3
Christine waits at the doorway of the cottage for the arrival of John the zombie.
Scientist injecting a patient zombie with the antidote.
Zombie John being delivered by the ZRP Corporation to Brian & Christine.
Zombie John being led on his harness by ZRP Corporation personnel.
Brian checks over the ZRP zombie shed before John moves in.
Zombie John looking through the shed window.
Zombie John settling in to his new temporary home while he starts his recovery journey.
Brian and Christine take John out for some exercise on his leash, also serving to introduce him to the community.
John attacks a neighbor's cat that strays into Brian and Christine's backyard and proceeds to devour it.
Brian and Christine decide that John is well enough to move out of the shed and into the house. They put sheets down to protect their furnishings.
Brian reads John a bedtime story in his new bedroom.
John joins Brian and Christine for his first dinner in the house.
Brian and Christine pose for a photo with a nearly recovered John.
'Zombie Rehabilitation Project' - Short Film

'Zombie Rehabilitation Project' is a short film produced during the second year of studies at the University of York.

The film was conceived and directed by Tom Day, a friend on my course, who requested that I head production design for the film.

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Andrew Baillie
Freelance Art & Design Liverpool, United Kingdom