Numbers League - Adventures in Addiplication, Dinosaurs, and Critters.
Numbers League Second printing - box cover, spine, and back
Numbers League Adventures in Addiplication promo poster
Numbers League iPad App screen shots
Numbers League

Numbers League, its 3 expansions and the iPad app are the most successful titles by Bent Castle Workshops. It is a math learning game in which players build heroes and capture villains by using basic math skills. I did the game design, graphics, and packaging for all of the games and expansions. I also did the production work and promoted it with 2 successful Kickstarter campaigns.

The popularity of the card games lead to the creation of the iPad app for which, along with my usual roles, I took on UX Designer. The app accumulated many accolades. It won Commonsense Media’s Learning Award, earning the highest rating for learning potential, and was ranked first in’s list of Tech That Spurs Critical Thinking. It is currently being employed in artificial intelligence research by the University of Lisboa’s Intelligent Agents Group, and has been selected as a pilot app for an efficacy evaluation study sponsored by the Noyce Foundation and Gates Foundation.

Ben Crenshaw
Freelance Creative Radford, VA