Loading Screen: Loading bar hints at the core action in the game.

Main Menu Screen: After multiple iterations on the theme and internal voting, we decided to go with a loose but visually rich theme of glow worms in a night sky.

In-Game Screen (Puzzle Mode): The objective in each level is to connect all similar colored glow worms on the game board. The challenge is that the lines cannot cross over each other.

Game Mode Selection Screen: I was involved in the UI testing and tweaking tasks and also in the redesign of the Time Attack mode.

Time Attack Mode: My proposed 'High Risk-High Reward' solution for this mode was that the player attempts to solve as many simple puzzles as possible in under a minute and half. The twist is that you gain bonus points and time for covering every dot on the grid. This compels the player to go that for perfect solution with bonus points+time (High Reward) under the threat of losing precious time if you can't find that solution (High Risk).

Time Attack Mode: An added nuance was that you gets 2X the points for the length of the path used to connect the Bonus (multicolored) Glow Worms thus adding another layer of challenge to the Time Attack Mode.