Market Basket Potatoes Initial category design in building a “Store Branded” look for Market Basket packaging. By creating a consistent visual architecture for the packaging, I was able to constantly reinforce the brand image, differentiate the flavors through color and create excitement for the product line. Concepts • Package Design • Photo Manipulation • Production Art • Project Management
Market Basket Hamburger Skillets A new participant new to the dry goods category, Demoulas wanted to create a presence on shelf. We used color coded flavors, bold graphics, and a clean face panel to surpass the look of the national brand. Successful sales of the 4 skillet flavors led to entry into the dry potato category. Concepts • Package Design • Photo Manipulation • Production Art • Project Management
Market Basket Brand National Packaging

Packaging designed for the Market Basket brand.
• Market Basket Potatoes
• Market Basket Hamburger Skillets

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Ellen Freedman
Independent CPG Branding, Packaging and Design Professional Highland Park, IL