Quaker Oats Aunt Jemima Pancakes Design of the Bilingual package to announce a new "open and close" feature. The challenges were three fold: • give prominence to the new feature • remain true to brand equities • design in the Spanish translations. Concepts • Package Design (8 Varieties) • Easy Open Illustration
Enjoy Life Foods Bilingual Snack Bars One category in the Enjoy Life line of Canadian packaging. Differing from Spanish language packaging, Canadian packaging regulations challenge the available space. PBD successfully maintained the established brand identity, while extending the products sale-ability to an additional market. Shelf Assessment • Concepts • Photo Manipulation • Package Design • Production Art • Project Manager
Enjoy Life Soft Baked Cookies The objective of this design was 4-fold: • Improve legibility • Enhance the nut and allergy free perception • Heighten the taste appeal • Engage children and families In addition, we designed the package with 2 face panels; one vertical and the other horizontal for the maximum benefit of shelf placement. Shelf Assessment • Concepts • Photo Manipulation • Package Design • Production Art • Project Manager
Multilingual Packaging

Keeping brand identity while engaging with global markets.
• Quaker Oats Aunt Jemima Pancakes
• Enjoy Life Foods Bilingual Snack Bars
• Enjoy Life Soft Baked Cookies

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Ellen Freedman
Independent CPG Branding, Packaging and Design Professional Highland Park, IL