Spirit Painting - When I was in college my father lost his life to esophageal and stomach cancer on December 5, 1983. A few months after his death I painted this and I titled it Spirit.
I Lava You
New Coil Pot - About eight years ago I took another potter class and made some coil pots. I guess I still have the knack for making these so I best get to it. This one is glazed with a bit of color with.
Adult Rattles - It's not fair. Why do babies get to make all the noise! I think adults should get rattles too, so I made some fancy ones out of clay. They represent a broken heart, a crab ragoon, a dinosaur egg, a clam, a star and a moon. The three spheres were inspired by geodes and another a rattle snakes tail. Shake them and make some noise!
Jane's Doodle Ink Art - Sometimes I doodle. I scanned this in and added some color in Photoshop.
Tribal Metal Mask - This was one of my college metal projects. I forged tubes of brass so it would look like bamboo by filling them with sand and soldering the ends. Then I cut them into the appropriate sizes, drilled holes and laced the pieces together with wire.
Large Coil Pot - I created this in my college pottery class. Many of my art friends tell me I need to make these. I'm planing to get a studio set up so I can get started again.
Jane Shinn
Creative Director Omaha, NE