Project Manager / Senior Graphic Designer
Comstock Park, MI
Jun 2022 - Present (2 years 8 months)
I manage various creative projects and follow them through to completion.
I help strategize a plan to accomplish short and long term goals to meet our deadlines.
I create design layouts and submit them to customers for approval.
I work directly with the customer to understand their vision and develop creative solution to achieve their goals.
Senior Graphic Designer / Production Lead
Extreme Graffix
Kentwood, MI
Jun 2017 - Present (7 years 8 months)
Manage the art department to achieve tight turnarounds times.
Run large format printers, plotters and printing equipment, while
keeping production running throughout the day.
Design jobs for higher profile customers, to ensure they are given
the best customer service possible.
Work with my team to strategize a plan to accomplish our daily/weekly goals.
Lead Graphic Artist
Chaser Apparel
Grand Rapids, MI
2007 - Jun 2017 (10 years 4 months)
Provide direction for inhouse and outsourced artwork.
Create template designs for the purpose of sales.
Prepare artwork for separations (4 Color and Spot Color).
Present design layouts to customers for approval.
Maintain the company website.
Build online stores for team apparel sales.
Set up and send out artwork for outsourced services.
Develop company marketing material.
Package Unloader
Wyoming, MI
1999 - 2010 (11 years)
Responsible for unloading parcels at the rate of 1200 packages per hour. I worked closely with my other team members to achieve the companies desired goals, while using team work to stay safe and effective.
Gallery Assistant
DeGraaf Fine Art Gallery
Saugatuck, MI
Apr 2006 - Dec 2006 (8 months)
Responsible for managing gallery while owner was away.
Installing and removing installations.
Transporting artwork. Gallery Maintenance.
Developing mailers for upcoming events.
Artwork Restoration. Customer relations.