Condiment Branding and Packaging

For Grapeness, a client aiming to disrupt the ketchup market by introducing the world's first grape-based ketchup, the objective was to create a bold and recognizable brand targeted towards kids that challenged the traditional notion of ketchup being tomato-based.

To develop a solution, I extensively studied the industry leaders and strategically crafted a brand and visual identity that stood out amongst the sea of red. The messaging centered around being a disruptor and questioning the lack of evolution in ketchup. We challenged the audience to consider why ketchup had always been tomato-based and introduced the idea that, in fact, it could be made from grapes.

With a goal to make the audience question something they had never been asked to before, the design solution effectively communicated Grapeness' unique proposition and created intrigue. The visuals captured attention with familiarity, while the messaging sparked curiosity and challenged the status quo in the ketchup market.

Liana Kalushner
Designer Wake Forest, NC