
This is a set of miscellaneous work I've done over the last few years.

1) At the top is my plan for organizing our research into a database so we can take action on it.

2) This is a project brief I wrote which led to the funnel diagram above.

3) Next is a project to create a reporting system in one of our apps. I was UX Lead for this project, and led research sessions with a group of customers. I facilitated a design studio which led to a set of wireframes. I created a set of report templates for the dev team. Then I worked with our visual designer to finish up the design shown here.

4) This is a persona for a webmaster role - one of our common users. I wrote all of the copy based on research, and chose this photo to represent William (which the team agreed fit him well).

5) This is a diagram showing William's workflow for using one of our apps.

6) This is an advertising mockup I created for fun using a company from Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

Matt Bishop
User Experience Strategist Crown Point, IN