Award winning redesign of our Rhino brand of gummy vitamins. The redesign was recognized by GDUSA magazine as a winner in their in-house package design awards for 2010.
Rhino Gummy Vitamin Web banners
PB8 Probiotic Acidophilus Label refresh
Product Benefit Icons for Vitamin Labels
15% Tradeshow information sticker - This sticker was designed for placement on Distributor hand out packets that were presented to customers at our Various trade shows.
Vitafusion CoQ10 Tray Configuration
Meijer Label Design - Following a strict set of graphic standards from Meijer the task was to create a new line of Children's gummy labels.
Meijer Label Design - Following a strict set of graphic standards from Meijer the task was to create a new line of Adult gummy labels
Nutrition Now Design work

While a Junior designer I worked at Northwest Natural products creating packaging, product labels, tradeshow banners and advertising. Under my watch the Rhino Gummy Vitamins had an award winning redesign and I was instrumental in creating the labels and implementing the new design across the entire product offering.

Freelance, Full-time
Steven Lowe
Brand Solutions | Graphic Design Portland, OR