This is what some serious table work in a form looks like!
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This is a "push card" done for a local frou-frou shoppe to promote their anniversary as well as the decorative items they are offering for the last quarter of the year. She was quite delighted with the work.
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This is the design I did for the annual US Zinc holiday party, which is always thematic. It had to be fast and look really nice. I took to the web, downloaded some nice vector files and combined several of them to create this.
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This is a t-shirt design I did for a company that specializes in industrial welding.
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A young man needed to begin promoting himself outside his day gig as a personal trainer for a local health club. It needed to be simple and elegant.
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These are some nice little ad projects I have done over the years. They aren't really of a technical nature, but they show a little of what I can do.

Suzanne M. Powell
One Person Advertising Agency Houston, TX