Interior Design - SattarBuksh Cafe

SattarBuksh Cafe - It was a complete exercise in brand development and positioning, much before it started. The first exercise was developing this imaginary character 'A man of the world' who was very comfortable in his own skin. A tone of voice and language was developed. SattarBuksh spoke 'Minglish' a language that everyone is at ease with. It is not English nor Urdu but a mixture of both and the percentage of both the language varies depending on the subject matter and the audience. Based on the character sketch, a professional standup comedian was engaged was given a makeover and shot with multiple expressions and gestures. These portraits provided life and a face to the Brand. The life size cutouts were used as part of the interior design to provide people a selfie opportunity with SattarBuksh himself. Funny graffiti wall was also created for people to shoot and share their photos against. The whole ambience was kept very casual so people should treat it as their regular hangout.

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Syed Adnan Yousuf
Executive Creative Director Austin, TX