Owner and Principal Designer
Seattle, WA
Nov 2019 - Present (5 years 2 months)
I am the founder and Principal Designer of my own design company where I offer consulting services and develop my own products.
Director of Design
Seattle, WA
Mar 2016 - Sep 2019 (3 years 6 months)
Directed a team of industrial designers and a CMF designer from concept through to the launch of the product, while providing
opportunities and guidance for each of them to have independence and ownership of individual aspects of the product and
Lead designer on the Human Headphone project, directing the ID team to work with mechanical, acoustic, and electrical engineers
to balance each departments goals and requirements to select the best direction for the products.
Took the Human Headphones through multiple EV and DV builds, through mass production. The product launched to the
consumer market in the summer of 2019.
Traveled to Asia multiple times to work with CMs on DFM process, and to review product samples to ensure successful ID intent
was achieved for MP.
Worked with Terrazign, a leading soft goods consultancy, on soft goods elements of the headphone that provided superior
acoustic experience and contributed to a secure fit on the user.
Closely worked with contract engineering firms, Meastro and Stratos PD, on mechanical and ergonomic design of product to
achieve our high level of design intent while achieving premium construction and functional goals.
Through extensive prototyping and human factor studies, I lead the ID team to invent a patented headphones attachment
mechanism to rest on the user’s ear securely and comfortably without a conventional form factor.
Provided weekly updates to the C‐level executives and department heads so they were informed of the ID team activities and so
they had critical information to make project planning decisions.
Industrial design manager
Sep 2003 - Mar 2016 (12 years 6 months)
Industrial design manager in charge of Chef’n brand of kitchen gadgets and tools.
Manage a team of four in-house designers and one engineer to develop, from research to design and then to manufacturing, trend setting housewares projects.
Work closely with multiple departments and with executive management to coordinate design cycles and communicate design progress.
Product development responsibilities include: market research, product concept development, sketches, prototypes, and presentations, CAD, Engineering Drawings, BOM’s and comments on factory samples.
Communicate with engineer, project manager and overseas vendors throughout product production to insure proper manufacturing.
Work with design team to provide product development for brands outside of Chef’n including, Starbucks, REI, Tupperware, World Kitchens, William Sonoma, WMF, David Mason Design, and Taylor Industries.
Named on 47 patents, 10 of them utility, with many more pending. Some of those patents have been licensed to the benefit of Chef’n.
Designed 40+ kitchen gadgets ranging from silicone spatulas to rolling garlic choppers. A few of them are in the top 10 products at Chef’n, and one has sold over 2 million units in 4 years.
Instrumental in building an award winning design team, and responsible for performance reviews and being a part of any new product development hiring process.
Voted employee of the year in 2011.
Industrial Designer
Heck Yes Productions
Bothell, WA
Jul 2001 - Mar 2003 (1 year 8 months)
* Started as an internship and then hired on to staff in fall of 2001. * Responsible for designing and building of robotic motion controlled camera stations for production of internet video product demonstrations.