Product Designer
Michaels Stores Inc.
May 2014 - Present (10 years 4 months)
• Product Designer to jewelry and accessories
• Develop artwork for product design in various categories across the company
• Develop trend artwork for use in application to product
design and company style guides
• Create inspiration and style guides based upon upcoming
• Create and assemble trend books for presentation to
various departments company wide
Product Designer to Martha Stewart Licensing
Michaels Stores Inc.
Mar 2018 - Mar 2019 (1 year)
• Product designer of Martha Stewart licensed products
• Collaborate with Martha Stewart team to create inspiration and style guides for upcoming trends
• Develop trend artwork and product designs for various categories
Merchandise Assistant
May 2013 - May 2014 (1 year)
* Merchandise Assistant to home decor, lighting, rugs, decorative pillows and accessories
* Visual merchandising
* Set visual displays for the sales floor and company vision guide
* Initiate the establishment of the stock keeping unit
* Coordinate issues with the suppliers and buyers
* Establish the web presence for the item at jcpenney.com
* Perform item management of samples held by the buying team