Spot the Leak storyboard
Silver Lining storyboard
It Pours storyboard
30 Days storyboard - these usually ran in tandem to the previous banners.
When It Rains, It Floods

You may not know it, but flood insurance is only available from the US Government. Our client (FEMA) needed us to get the word out, so we worked with the media team to create a series of targeted banners that kicked off when it rained in a specific market.

In some of the executions, an actual town or city name dynamically appeared.

To emphasize our point, we used dramatic skies (and presumably, as these were playing it would be raining in thundering in the user's area), small vulnerable looking houses and very direct messaging about the potential of floods.

Included are animated ads and storyboards

Bart Heird
Group Creative Director Columbia, MD