Google Tech Corners Signage

Signage and Wayfinding for 1.15 Million SF Campus.

Google’s Tech Corners campus, needed a strong sense of place. Playfully utilizing the client’s iconic brand assets, the campus is reinforced as an extension of Google through a necessary signage and wayfinding system. Monument signage eliminates the Google logo, a clever take on a brand that publicly embraces creative interpretations of its identify. The daring removal of the logo from monument signage informed the typographic and iconographic elements used across the rest of the campus wayfinding. Pedestrian wayfinding, easily identified by Google’s iconic pin drop, guides employees and visitors through campus. Oversized building identification differentiate the buildings throughout the disorienting campus. Individual directories guide visitors through each floor by reinforcing key rooms and amenities located throughout campus.

Project through Media Objectives and Valerio Dewalt Train.
Photography: Marco Zecchin

Ellen Bean Spurlock
Innovation + Design Atlanta, GA