2001 work notebook. I was trying to think about what kind of punctuation would we use if we didn't have our standard punctuation? Are there any letters more perfect than our own? Then again, I can't read my handwriting, so I figured, why not just write jibberish?
2001 work notebook
2002 work notebook
2002 work notebook
2003 work notebook
2003 work notebook
2004 work notebook
2004 work notebook
2004 work notebook
2005 work notebook
2006 work notebook
2006 work notebook
2007 work notebook
2007 work notebook
2007 work notebook
2007 work notebook. I made a screen printed poster on this concept ten years later.
2008 work notebook
2008 work notebook
2010 work notebook
2010 work notebook
2009 work notebook
Work Sketchbooks & Journals

Work notebooks and journals. I doodle during meetings and lectures, often just jotting down ideas for layouts and other things. Helps me remember things.

Robby Poore
Director, UNC Creative Chapel Hill, NC