Luz da Lua means Moon Light in Portuguese. In this project we had to design a light fixture with set materials, make 15 of them and sell them in a public place
The materials we were allowed to use were: polycarbonate films, copper wire, a light fixture, and a low head light bulb.
Some sketches used as reference when working on the mock-ups.
We dropped this concept because we did not understand the material that well, and we were forcing the materials to do things they can not.
This concept was much easier to make and it also had a different feeling, by changing the position of the strips we could get a totally new light.
Got made some metal pieces to use as reference when cutting the strips of polycarbonate film.
On the day of the sell, our lamp was the one that sold the most out of all the groups. We sold 11 out of 15 at $25 each
Moon Light

The goal for this projects was to design a Light fixture using only few material, make many of these lights and sell them to the public.

Carlos F. Uceda
Industrial Designer Sheboygan, WI