This map was made for the North and South Campus virtual tour. 3D models of buildings created in collaboration with three other individuals are used here. For the three virtual tours, Case not only created these maps, but also took the walking step photography, created the 360-degree photos of locations, and took part in planning the tour.
Model made by Case of Education North.
Model made by Case of NREF.
Model made by Case of Medical Sciences.
Model made by Case of the Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences building.
Model made by Case of the small Headhouse building on the North Campus of the University of Alberta.
The process and final model of the Agriculture Forestry Building.
3D Building Models

In collaboration with three other individuals (Lawrence Kwok, Max Amerongan, and Matthew Haille), 3D models were made of UAlberta campus buildings for use on Google Earth. Models were made in SketchUp. Textures were made based on photographs and edited in Photoshop.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Case Krawcewicz
Graphic Design / UX / Marketing Strategist / Motion Graphics... Edmonton, Canada