Three concepts that were first shown to the client for the look of a course on Opioid Awareness for Metis Albertans. The teal illustrations are assets provided by the client.

Final visual style for a course on Opioid Awareness for Metis Albertans.

Slide layouts for a Jurisprudence course for ACP. This course is an adaptation of an existing one. And these layouts seek to simplify those layouts and update to match updates to ACP's brand.

Slide layouts for a course on sleep. The character on the last slide was an existing part of the client's brand and was not created by Case.

Hemp Farming course layout options presented to the client. Option A was chosen.

Logos for the Hemp Farming Course for NorQuest College.

Final slide layouts for the Hemp Farming Course. The background image changes per module. Other background images not shown here.

Logo and variations for the Hemp Processing & Products course for NorQuest College.

Hemp Processing and Products Module Introduction Slides.

Different slide layouts for the Hemp Processing and Products Course. The background image changes per module.