Case organized the first M.A.D.E. studio tour of furniture and product design studios in Edmonton. Here are some images he made to promote the event on Instagram.
Studio Visits event poster.
These are thank you cards for those who participated in Edmonton Design Exposed (M.A.D.E.'s ten year anniversary celebration).
For the M.A.D.E. 10th Annual Street Furniture Competition Case created: the logo, poster (shown), information sheets for participants (below), and judging sheets. Case also helped plan the event. This is the first Street Furniture Competition that judging criteria was created for.
Street Furniture Competition information sheets for participants.
Graphic Design for M.A.D.E. in Edmonton

Case has been involved in Media Art and Design and Exposed in Edmonton (M.A.D.E.) since 2010. During his time there he contributed a few pieces of graphic design, as well as helped to plan and create events.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Case Krawcewicz
Graphic Design / UX / Marketing Strategist / Motion Graphics... Edmonton, Canada