MSO / MineSweeperOne

MSO / MineSweeperOne (2009) is an Arduino-based low cost automatic swarm-bot mine detection system.
Every robot scans a specific zone, constantly in touch with its group. Units have the capacity to self-organize and partition the given area into scanning sectors, corresponding to analysis periods lasting 2 to 4 weeks.
They are autonomously power supplied, thanks to solar energy, thus significantly reducing the need for any external human intervention.
The results of the scanning process are constantly uploaded to a local server, from where every agency involved will be able to access and download them. Thanks to the data gathered, it will be possible to trace secure crossroads in the mined areas, making the whole demining process a lot more efficient, and the manual deminers’ work extremely safer.
The project has been developed by D. Martini, R. Tchakerian, M. Mazzero, G. Gennaro and M. Zandonà during the Lab InteractiveDevices by prof. A. Vittori at the Iuav University of Venice.

Dario Martini
Designer and Design researcher Venezia, Italy