UX Designer
Self-employed UX Design Consultant
Mar 2013 - Present (11 years 6 months)
Visting Faculty
National Institute of Design
Jun 2013 - Jul 2013 (1 month)
User Experience Designer
Ahmedabad, India
Feb 2012 - Feb 2013 (1 year)
- Primary responsibilities involved engagements with clients directly and sometimes working with their developers team, Opening Meetings, Issues resolutions, Designing for various client's projects simultaneously fostering client relationship.
- Designing apps for andriod, iphone, ipad and windows 8 platform. Mostly applications were designed for Android ICS and Jellybean platform, like unified contacts app, unified messaging app, camera app, file manager app, back-up app, dialer app, TxtWeb. The TxtWeb has been launched recently http://www.txtweb.com/androidapp/ .
- A mobile version of Intuit's Quickbook for iphone platform. Quickbook is a finance manager for small and medium sized organizations. User can manage his finances, see money-in and money-out, send a reminder to clients directly from the app. User can also create estimates, invoices and share with the clients/vendors. A calendar which reminds user to pay his bills, upcoming meetings or calls. The application will be live soon.
- A travel application for Windows phone was designed, where user can search, book tickets, look and share at his itinerary, share images of the trip directly to the social networking sites and get suggestions on eat, drink and see around the destination.
Design Consultant
Oct 2011 - Feb 2012 (4 months)
Primarily worked with Nokia Shenzhen team for innovative and experimental products.
Projects :-
- A low cost e-book reader for developing countries — My responsibilities included a research on needs of users in India for ebook, suggesting new features for Indian market and designing UI for the same and doing user testing of the product and UI.
- Designing for a new mobile device — We did a survey in India, Africa and China to understand mobile users, their expectations, behaviours and needs.
- Conceptualization and exploring wearable technology — This project is about designing wearable technology for near future.
Senior Interaction Designer
Jul 2011 - Oct 2011 (3 months)
Research, designing and development of properties for regional users.
Worked with Emerging markets team. My responsibilities included designing UI for regional websites based on research of culture & tradition, people, their food habits, architecture, history and idols. I worked closely with front end engineers and followed the PRD, road maps by Project managers. Later, my responsibilities were extended to design UI of the regional website for mobile devices. One of the properties (Yahoo bengali) I was working on has been launched http://bengali.yahoo.com/
MSR, Think Labs
Jun 2009 - Jul 2011 (2 years 1 month)
- MSR Summer School. Computing for Socio-Economic Development.
- eTRIx Workshop Think Labs
Workshop focusing on the learning basic electronics and the art of building autonomous robots out of discrete electronic components.
Teaching Assistant
Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, India, Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Jul 2009 - Jun 2011 (1 year 11 months)
Student volunteer
Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, India
Jul 2009 - Jun 2011 (1 year 11 months)
- Member of organizing team for international conferences `In a Planet of Our Own', `Designing for Children' & 'India HCI 2010 / IDID 2010'
Freelance Designer
Freelance designer, Mulberry Silks
Dec 2007 - May 2009 (1 year 5 months)
- Designing surfaces/patterns for silk upholstery for European and United states clients.
- Developed concepts and samples for designers, NGO's and Studios
Sutra, Bharat Silks (Bengaluru Area, India); Afroart (Sweden)
May 2006 - Nov 2006 (6 months)
- Diploma Project done with Julie Kagti for her show at Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) S/S'07. It
involved conceptualization, market survey, material sourcing, managing production and display at
- Designed and handled production of home collection for Atlanta fair.
- Developed block print designs for home textiles.