Butler, PA
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 8 months)
Primary Designer for company media and decorative architectural glass print projects.
• Adobe CC 2022: InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop, Acrobat; all used daily. Mac/PC.
• Creative design of a variety of print projects (brochures, flyers, ads, business cards, promo products) and file submission to printing company. Logo design.
• Review graphic elements, determine size/layout of graphics and typography, select fonts, perform retouching/manipulation of images, and create proofs.
• Attention to detail of all project specs including spelling and grammatical accuracy.
• Ability to work independently or as a team member. Daily communication with service reps and clients to ensure that the job meets all required specs.
• Proficient with technology, computer software and printers.
• Prepare client proofs and project instructions for glass shop lay up.
• Responsible for the accurate preparation of files for decorative glass print projects.
• Program print settings utilizing Onyx workflow/ripping system for PVB printing on Mutoh and Mimaki large format inkjet printers.
• Monitor printing progress, complete the final steps of production after printing.
• Perform printer maintenance and complete any other duties specific to the job.
• Ability to troubleshoot malfunctions, identify the problem and perform maintenance to resolve issues.
Debra J Heist * djheist60@aol.com * Butler, PA 16002
Eagle Printery
Butler, PA
Jan 2006 - Jan 2015 (9 years)
Graphic Designer / Illustrator for all in-house and client print projects
Adobe CS5.5: InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop, Acrobat, QuarkXPress 8, PitStop; all used daily – Mac/PC
Layout and formatting of a variety of print projects (brochures, catalogs, newsletters, flyers, promotional products, business cards, and etc.), to be printed from one color to full color
Logo design/recreate client logos as vectors
Preparation of material for commercial printing
Thorough knowledge of fonts and typography
Responsible for accurate editing and layout of each job and the organization of job files
Knowledge of image color correcting, retouching, manipulation, creation of clipping paths, required bleed, and proper file format usage
Collect job information from retrieval of customer files on PC/Mac platforms, along with FTP sites
Meet with clients to discuss their print projects and design ideas.
Phone and e-mail communication with clients
Maintain/update computer and related equipment
Prepress: Responsible for preparing files, ripping, impositioning, and outputting of high-end digital proofs and plates
Direct-to-plate system; utilizing Rampage workflow/ripping system and Dynastrip impositioning tool
Xerox Color Digital Press Operator: Responsible for digital workflow and all adjustments for quality printing
Carson Industries, Inc.
Freeport, PA
1989 - 2003 (14 years)
* Used CorelDRAW daily on PC platform * Created line art and designed a broad range of graphics for specialty and gift products * Designed logo product for name brands and top US colleges, familiar with licensing and restrictions * Layout and design of company newsletters, brochures, flyers, forms, and advertising * Assisted Sales with photography of product and marketing projects * Thorough experience and research, contributed and executed solutions for new product design challenges * Daily phone, e-mail, and fax communication with clients concerning details of their artwork and order * Managed department staff, responsible for scheduling, purchasing, and budget * Our team consistently met deadlines while creating attractive high quality product and client satisfaction * Maintained/updated computer and related equipment, researched new equipment purchases