Instructor of Art
Central Campus
Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI Art 110, Drawing: Introducing concepts of line, form, and value
Instructor of Art
Kellogg Community College
Battle Creek, MI
Art 211, Art Appreciation/Introduction to Art History Art 103 Introduction to Drawing
Director of Exhibitions
Rogue Artists Gallery
Battle Creek, MI
Preparing and installing exhibits developing and implementing programming for visiting artists, students and public
Instructor of Art
Center For New Media
Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo, MI Art 105, Introduction to Painting: Basic techniques, using oil and acrylic, in color mixing, blending, glazing, and the use of a palate knife, to describe forms, value, and space Art 205, Advanced Painting: Study in oil or acrylic media beyond the beginning stage Art 212, Life Drawing: Creative interpretation of structure, gesture, and space as they relate to line, form, and value in rendering the figure Art 251, Drawing the Figure in Motion: Drawing through observation and interpretation of the human form
Instructor of Art
Upward Bound
Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek, MI Federally funded pre-college academic program, designed to motivate and prepare high school students for college and university work introductory art course including the concepts of line, color, printing and value
Exhibit/Installation Technician
Art Holdings
Minneapolis, MN
Installed art, digital media, and lighting and audio components for area museums, galleries, businesses and private clients using approved methods
Teaching Associate
Ohio University
Athens, OH
Art 116, Basic Drawing: Introduction to the fundamentals of drawing through observation including sighting, value, gesture, and line variation Art 117, 2D Design: Developing techniques and vocabulary pertinent to two-dimensional media Art 118, 3D Design: Developing techniques and vocabulary pertinent to three-dimensional media
Exhibitions/Graduate Facilities Manager
The Ridges Studios and Gallery
University, Athens, OH Prepared and installed exhibits, monitored environmental control standards, and coordinated shipping, handling and installation of work throughout four separate gallery spaces, including budgetary management developed and implemented programming for visiting artists, prospective students and public trained and evaluated student workers directed over 18,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space
Student Recruitment Director, Admissions
Ohio University
Athens, OH
Aided in recruiting undergraduate students to The Ohio University School of Art assisted in the development and implementation of programming, including student and professional events and tours for visiting students assisted in academic advising and panel portfolio review for incoming students
Instructor of Art
Art Center of Battle Creek
Battle Creek, MI
Life Drawing, Introduction to Oil Painting, and Introduction to Printmaking
Secondary Art Teacher
Battle Creek Public Schools
Battle Creek, MI
Aided in the collaborative development and implementation of fine- art curriculum and studio budget instructor of record for Print making, Digital Photography, Painting, and Drawing provided portfolio review and development and academic advising to college-bound visual art students Grants/Scholarships/Awards DeVries Visiting Artist Award
Kellogg Community College
Merit Scholarship - Full Tuition University, School of Art
Hollis P. Arthur Fine Arts Educational
Ohio University
School of Art Guido Binda Memorial Arts Award
Travel Grant
Accademia di Bella Arti