Abstruse sets up the players as elite investigators in a high fantasy version of the 1920's. The characters get deployed in different cities across the Lands to solve mysteries and/or crimes in a world were magic and plane travel is common.
The game mechanics allow the players to synergize their own intellect, charisma and deduction skills to their character's through our Interaction rules. Those include: - 'investigative insights' (inspired by the GUMSHOE philosophy) to notice and understand clues - Quick Reads (inspired by 20-questions types of games) where players can ask more direct questions and allow the character to do the 'noticing and analysing' part - Exploration allows investigators to do the heavy lifting and provide players with the most important clues in a scene - Influence and persuasion is mechanized but relies entirely on gameplay, using a scale to determine the state of the target based on their own goals, fears and values.
Abstruse uses a simple roll+rating vs difficulty success system, combined with a FATE-inspired Stunt system. Each character having trained in an academy (similar to D&D's character classes), they get to roll better dice (d6 vs d8 vs d10, etc.) when using abilities that align well with their training. The progression system is based on their missions' success, but also the completion of side-quest aimed at maintaining the peace in the city.
Building on Robin D. Laws' Mystery Structure, I provide my own series of tips and tricks to design intriguing investigations. Many of these tips are based on my experience as a mission designer. However, others are based on writing by mystery authors or inspired by mystery TV shows.
Abstruse (independent, 2015+)

Abstruse started as an experiment merging the GUMSHOE, FATE and d20 role-playing game systems. However, it then spawned into a full fledged pen-and-paper game. I have put Abstruse through a few years of playtests and iterations. At this point, I have created five investigative missions as both the game system and the setting evolved.

Simply, Abstruse is an investigation-based role-playing game where the player-character must solve crimes in a high-fantasy world. As such, it combines magic spells with the classic scene of detective fiction, leading to unprecedented scenes such as teleportation-tracking, plane travel to interrogate murder-victim's souls, etc.

As the only designer on the project, I was in charge of translating the systems of the source engines into a coherent whole, adding game dynamics that link the setting to the the mechanics, and creating an intriguing backstory to inspire game masters into creating their own investigative scenarios.

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Danny Godin
Game designer Montréal, Canada