Senior Designer
The Beauty Group LLC
New York, NY
Mar 2017 - Present (7 years 11 months)
Design product, packages for cosmetics and beauty product. product design. Packaging design: * Packaging concepts. * Prepare all packaging artwork and die lines. * Packaging sample mock up. Stationery design: * Utilize and design all elements: logos, fonts, color palettes, icons, and packaging. * Use style guides when applicable.
Freelance product designer and package designer for Spinmaster
Bendaroos, Digital Gadgets, Candy Rific and The Beauty Group LLC. Present
Shapland Creative Design
New York, NY
Brainstorm ideas and create concept sketches for new products. Designed packages for toys and stationary products.
Word World Company
New York, NY
Attended meetings to brainstorm ideas for future products. Created idea sketches for new products.
Product Designer
Sababa Toys
New York, NY
Participate brainstorm meetings. Created concept sketches for new products. Communicated with vendors in China and Hong Kong. Designed board games for Disney, Hasbro, Fox and Hello Kitty licenses.
Alexander Doll Company
New York, NY
Designed and created doll outfit patterns for F.A.O Schwartz, Disney, and Wal-Mart. Attended board meetings to brainstorm ideas for future products. Created concept sketches for 9"&10" dolls. Constructed hand samples including patterns for costumes and models for accessories. COMPUTER SKILLS Adobe Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5, InDesign, Rhino, and Cobalt Vellum. Microsoft Office, Excel, Recycle 2.1, and Battery 2.0.