I Hear Motion Performance Posters - Poster set designed for an ametuer Dutch dance team show with the theme of “hearing motion”. I really wanted to blend both the dancers and the arrows together as seamlessly as possible mimicing the unity we have with our senses. ©2002 Amy Belledin
Blonde Profit; the marketing of Marilyn Monroe - Book cover for a work about the media presentation of Marilyn Monroe by her agent and various photographers. I wanted to create a strong visual communication that stressed the anonimity of her as a person in the view of those putting her on disply combined with the sanitized graph really gives this harsh view on promotion a deserving touch without being vulger. ©2002 Amy Belledin
Falling from Grace - This book cover, done for the early memoirs of the Primia Ballerina, Una Flett. Her beginings where humble and somewhat clumsy (at least in her estimation) I wanted to mock this a little because most dancers take themsleves very seriously. ©2002 Amy Belledin
UPS logo thought - I should say, before going on about any more of my work here, that I don't think that I'm better than Paul Rand (or anyone else with a lifetime of brilliance to show for themselves) I just don't care for the UPS logo so much, so I thought I would add my two cents and put my money where my criticism is. I like the opened box as a way of displaying UPS so I translated it into a this thought. ©2002 Amy Belledin