Senior Designer
Spin Master, Inc
Culver City, CA
May 2014 - Present (10 years 9 months)
Experienced designer in collectible figures, character design, soft goods, small dolls, large doll, accessories, vehicles, and feature driven playlet design.
Lead Designer on Chubby Puppies:
-Responsibility expand to establishing play pattern, brand look, line architecture in each seasons.
-Design TV featured playlets for multiple seasons.
-Overseeing designers working on the brand to make sure everything fall in line with the brand positioning.
-Traveled to the orient numerous times to oversee production development and expedite the development schedule.
-Present the line at Sales Submit in Toronto on stage and in LA over lifestream video.
Design and manage multiple projects including Flutterbye Fairies, Little Charmers, Popples and blue sky brands.
Collaborated with licensor and inventors to develop innovative products that tie back to the show contents on multiple brands.
Managed multiple vendor to develop strong product concepts for pitches on new licensed properties and shows.