Design & innovation Consultant
Sydney, Australia
Jan 2016 - Present (9 years 1 month)
Design Director
Moskva, Russia
Jun 2014 - Sep 2015 (1 year 3 months)
Design power in Russia!
Sportmaster is the #1 sport retailer in Russia, also represented in Belarus, Ukrain, Kazakhstan and China. (total +500 stores) The company also own 11 private brands.
>Driving the change to organize a new design process and a innovation mindset within design & development teams. Art direction on product and graphic designs. Brand platform and identity development. Innovation development (User experience, process, tools)
Design Manager & Innovation manager
Dec 2008 - Jun 2014 (5 years 6 months)
Oxelo is a brand for inline skate, iceskates, skateboards, scooters, and urban mobility.
+100% TO increase on a 5 years period (Yearly average 20% prog)
My responsibilities:
Recruitment of the design team: Product, graphic, apparel and footwear designers
Management and art direction
Selection of agencies and freelances, budget and contracts
Leading and organization of innovation workshops
Leading and writing of brand innovation roadmap
Follow up of innovation projects, leading to multiple patented and awarded products (Easyfold, DTX, Klick)
Brand platform development
Sabbatical - Travel photographer
2012 - 2013 (1 year)
A fascinating trip of 11 months across the globe!
Product Designer & Innovator Designer
2002 - Nov 2008 (6 years 9 months)
Design of multiple best sellers in diving category, swimming category, surf category
Leading of the brand design language of Tribord (New methodology development spreaded on Oxylane network)
Workshop and development of innovation projects with key solutions discovered through deep research and prototyping: Weego foldable fins, Easybreath Mask
Design of awarded and patented breakthrough products on the market, X base goggles, Rgomoove fins
Product Designer
Feb 1998 - Jun 2002 (4 years 4 months)
Product Designer at DECATHLON - B'TWIN, responsible for bicycle designs, accessories & components.
Design of the #1 selling bike in Europe, first unigender&multipurpose bike on the market: The b'Twin bike, launched in 1999 and still a hit today. The product name has been given to the brand in 2009.