Footwear Designer
Martinsburg, PA
Feb 2014 - Present (11 years)
Primarily responsible for design & development of Double-H Boots’ imported
product. I have also worked on various projects for Carolina, Corcoran, and other
brands. This has granted me the opportunity to work on a variety of footwear
categories such as western, industrial, hiking, mining, military, etc.
Responsibilities include: creative strategy, concept generation, sketching,
rendering, drafting blueprints, color/material selection, and prototyping of new
footwear styles, delivering tech packs to Asian partners, inspecting/approving
pattern trials & prototypes, presenting samples to sales force, confirming details
and fit of new production styles, etc. Heavy usage of Photoshop/Illustrator
(primary software used), experience working in 3D CAD programs such as
Romans CAD, Rhino, & Keyshot.
Working at H.H. Brown’s Pennsylvania-based factory has given me the opportunity to see the progress of footwear from concept to production, has provided me with an understanding of manufacturing limitations and time frames, and exposed me to a variety of footwear constructions and processes.
Travel has been one of the best parts of my job. Research trips with sales
personnel have allowed me to see how widely product needs can differ across
disparate regions of the country. Development trips in China and Mexico have
taught me how to better communicate design direction through my sketches,
renderings, and blueprints.