SFE - Street vending tents 2007


(in spanish andenes para todos) pretends to solve the problem of the street vendors in the footways of the main cities of Colombia. SFE intends to modify the sidewalks occupied by the street vendors, to give them an adequate work space with the sufficient technology and tools to sell and buy products efficiently. The project started researching the needs of the street vendors and other actors directly affected by the street vending: vehicles, pedestrians, sorrounding stores, and the neighborhood organization; to later design and build a tent like mini-store to display in an ordered and planned way; the different products that every street vendor brings every day.

Project developed for the optimal space class ,co-owned by Juan Pablo Ayala, Andres Ortiz, Maria camila paez and Andrea montaño. The tent was completely redesigned (2012), modeled and rendered by Juan Pablo Ayala.

Juan Pablo ...
Business designer / Brand strategist Bogotá, Colombia