Burns and Roe Gala Program - Double gatefold program for gala held at the Smithonian Institute to commemorate Burns and Roe's 75th Anniversary. Matches letterpress invitations. Matched paper and Pantone colors to invitation.
Corporate Gala letterpress invitation - Paper and Pantone color selection, illustration, layout, vendor management, design/art direction.
Burns and Roe 75th Anniversary Stamps Banner - Stamps theme created for the 75th anniversary and applied to initial project of banners for various work sites. Received many accolades for this work.
Burns and Roe 75th Anniversary Gala Program- inside - Gatefold program designed to match letterpress invitation. Printed on a highly textured cotton paper. Designed and illustrated as part of overall art-direction of 75th anniversary project.
History Timeline Posters - Part of a set of nine posters detailing Burns and Roe's achievements over 75 years in business.
Burns and Roe Tradeshow Display
75th Anniversary Celebration- Art Direction Design and Illustration
Kelly Koenig
Graphic Designer/Art Director Brooklyn, NY