Clic clac - system of furniture for living - System of furniture for living for the year 2020. Project made for Hettich International Design Competition, achived 9th award.
Clic clak - system of furniture for living - System for living for the year 2020. Project made for Hettich International Design Competition. Achived 9th award.
Clic clak - system of furniture for living - System of furniture for living for the year 2020 for elder people. Project made for Hettich International Design Competition. Achived 9th award.
Clic clak - system of furniture for living - System of furniture for living for the year 2020 for elder people. Project made for Hettich International Design Competition. Achived 9 th award.
Clic clak - system of furniture for living - System of furniture for living for the year 2020. Project made for Hettich International Design Competition. Achived 9th award.
sketches for project Clic clac - sketches, ideas for project Clic clak
product design
Paulina Kordos
Industrial Product, Web, UI, UX Designer Busko -Zdrój 28-100, Kraków, Poland