Zizzlinger girls - A few of the girls from the series of 28 stylized Disney Princess figurines. (I always love the chance to draw Pocahontas and Esmeralda!)
More Zizzlinger girls - More highly stylized versions of the classic Disney Princesses that became 2" figurines
Tiny and cute!
PJ Sparkles and friends - A modern, but sweet new look for PJ and her friends. These were done for the small doll line -
PJ's friend - Shimmer - One of PJ's many friends in her modern-meets-princessy outfit. I really loved drawing all of their different faces and outfits.
World of Ariel - A large doll of Ariel that was meant to look older than the toddler versions, but younger than her film version. She came with simple share-wear features.
Disney Store - Little Cinderella - What can I say... I'm a Disney girl!
Little Princess Pocahontas - Pocahontas was part of the color change line. Really love how she turned out!
Little Princess Cinderella - I've designed just about all of the Little Princesses for Playmates Toys, but thought this drawing was a good example with all her accessories and her extra outfit!
Little Tinker Bell - A quick sketch of Little Tinker Bell - tried to give her traditional dress some fun details, but still be totally recognizable!
Little Princess dolls - I loved designing all of these dolls - just pretty, sweet, and wholesome. Imagination required - Batteries are not! :)
more Little Princess dolls - I love these dolls so much and I'm pretty proud of how they all turned out! Cinderella as a little artist, Belle ice skating and having hot cocoa, Ariel's chonky baby seahorse!!
Uh... even more Little Princess dolls - These dolls were so beautifully made by Playmates Toys. The bottom two were done as fashion packs - the dress is based on my FAVORITE dress when I was little.
Baby Cinderella - I designed all the My Baby Princesses for Playmates - this is just one favorite!
Baby Ariel - Another example of a Disney Princess Baby done for Playmates Toys - She had a crawling feature, so I couldn't resist putting her in ruffled diapers!
Large & Small Dolls
Freelance, Full-time
Lisa Temming
Fashion, Costume, Doll & Toy Designer Los Angeles, CA