Email campaign with an open rate of 18% the industry average is 11.1%
Email campaign with an open rate of 18% the industry average is 11.1%
Email campaign with an open rate of 17% the industry average is 11.1%
Infographic with a click on rate of 8% industry average is around 5%
Email campaign with an open rate of 22% the industry average is 11.1%
Email campaign with an open rate of 23% the industry average is 11.1%
Infographic with a click on rate of 6% industry average is about 5%
Infographic with a stellar click on rate of 11% industry average is about 5%
Email Marketing and Infographics

Here are a few Infographics and Email Marketing campaigns. Where available I have included click through and open rates.

Freelance, Full-time
Michael Blaustein
Co-Founder/Creative Director at Web Samurai for Hire Somerville, NJ