A project investigating novel forms, interfaces, and control layouts for digital multimeters (DMMs), one of Fluke Corporation's leading product offerings. This design focuses mainly on reimagining the control wheel responsible for selecting and using so many of the DMM's day-to-day functions, enlarging and giving it greater prominence.
ABOVE: Also featured are a flashlight, detachable secondary screen, and magnifying surface to enhance legibility of the screen contents. — Research Before beginning the ideation process, practicing electricians were interviewed regarding the unique needs of their work, and their likes/dislikes about current DMMs in particular.
Ideation & Development The issues highlighted during the research phase served to drive ideations sketched and modeled in 3D. Among the areas tackled were: effective cable management solutions, efficient and ergonomic button placement, and the utilization of smaller remote screens to allow for work in areas where a regular DMM would not easily fit.
ABOVE: Preliminary 3D models
FLUKE 'WHEEL' Digital Multimeter

A project investigating novel forms, interfaces, and control layouts for digital multimeters (DMMs), one of Fluke Corporation's leading product offerings. This design focuses mainly on reimagining the control wheel responsible for selecting and using so many of the DMM's day-to-day functions, enlarging and giving it greater prominence.

Full-time, Moonlighting
Marcos Nolan
Principal Experience Designer San Francisco, CA