Plush Animal Designs
Butterfinger Bunny - The sketches were done as concepts for a promotional giveaway plush bunny for a Butterfinger Easter gift box.
Tongue Twister Concept Art - These sketches were done as potential concepts for a character that would go on a taffy dispenser's label. The idea being that two chameleons with different colored tongues would have their tongues entangled like the duel taffy flavors in the tube.
Children's Board Game Illustration - This piece was done as a pitch for a children's board game. It was drawn freehand, inked, and colored in Photoshop. The Safari logo was created in Illustrator.
The Worm Virus - This piece was done as my interpretation of the worm virus that devoured countless hard drive's back in 2003. Mixed media of pencil, ink wash, and acrylic white.
Video Game Packaging Illustration - Klooge Werks, a supplemental online video game software, hired me to illustrate this piece to help create a brand identity for their product. The original was done in ink wash on cold press illustration board. The logo and type was later added in Photoshop.
Concept Art & Illustration
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Matt Mance
Art Director / Design Manager Chicago, IL