Illustration for my brother's wedding invitation. It depicts the view of Mt. Shasta through the gate of his wife's childhood home. Painted in Adobe Photoshop.

Mesa Boogie-Express - Illustration for the Mesa Boogie Express 5:50amplifier. Painted in Photoshop

A character study done for an abandoned comic project.

These are just a few of the series of alien designs for an unused project. This guy is the alien version of the grumpy neighbor, always complaining about how much noise you are making...puzzling, since he doesn't appear to have visible, external ears.

These are just a few of the series of alien designs for an unused project. This one is Billy Idol + Mars Attacks!

Quick Sculpey maquette of alien design

These are just a few of the series of alien designs for an unused project

These are just a few of the series of alien designs for an unused project. Sculpted in Sculpey and painted with acrylics

These are just a few of the series of alien designs for an unused project. This guy is trying so hard to be intimidating. Piercings and facial tattoos that are stylized representations of human hair growth patterns....but he is still soft and squishy.

Quick smirking Goblin sketch. Just testing some brushes in Painter.

The Parthenon-Quarrying marble - Workers quarrying marble from Mt. Pentelikon. Quick storyboard sketch Painted in Photoshop

The Parthenon-pulley - The ingenious pulley system used to transport heavy marble blocks during the construction of the Parthenon. Quick storyboard sketch Painted in Photoshop

The Parthenon-Caryatid - The removal of one of the Caryatid statues from the Acropolos in 1802 under the command of Lord Elgin. Painted in Photoshop

The Parthenon-Explosion - The 1687 explosion that destroyed much of the Parthenon during the Venetian-Turkish wars. Quick storyboard sketch Painted in Photoshop