Proposal for a BMW showroom built into an old aircraft hangar. Painted in Photoshop

Proposal for a BMW showroom built into an old aircraft hangar. Painted in Photoshop

Moto GP hospitality. Proposal for a mobile Asian restaurant that can be collapsed and transported to a Moto GP site. The right and left "wings" collapse into the rigid center section. Stairs are hidden behind the wall with the video screen. Painted in Photoshop

Mobile restaurant for a race track. Painted in Photoshop

proposal for race hospitality

proposal for race hospitality

proposal for racing team graphics

Clipboard - The clipboard is built with two fused sheets of aluminum, one stainless steel "ribbon" clip and a single fastener. Warm wood veneer accents the back of the drawing surface. The clip has just enough tension to store several sheets of paper securely under the rear flap.
