Wireframes for Articulate's "Sink" Video Interaction Exercise

Articulate wanted me to do an exercise to see how I would execute the following the directive. Since its like being asked to write the 3rd scene of the second act, I decide to write as much as the play as I could in the time allowed as an outline. So I wireframed other instances to make the required wires more contextual. There are gaps, but then again, I had 6 hours and its only an exercise without the benefit of team meetings and Q&A. Note" "Sally" is the author. Everyone else are users invited to view and comment on her video.
Exercise as it was sent to me:
"Wireframe for us how you’d design an online commenting function for Sink
* How does the process of soliciting input happen?
* How do comment threads reach a clear conclusion?
* How can concurrent comments be obtained and displayed in a coherent fashion?
* Wireframe how the initial review process reaches conclusion.
* Wireframe how the review experience functions for the user with final approval authority."

Mari Ettlinger
Creative Director/Designer—User Experience, Interaction & Visual Berkeley, CA