Patent Drawing Illustrator
Dec 2005 - Present (19 years 8 months)
I've drawn several patent application drawings for older brother who is a successful practicing Patent Attorney in the metro Denver Colorado area. These drawing where sent to the U.S.l Patent Office in Washington D.C.
CAD Designer/Industrial Design
Henderson, CO
Oct 2018 - Nov 2021 (3 years 1 month)
Assembly side sheet design of livestock transportation trailers. Used AutoCAD & to create side sheet punch patterns on aluminum sheet metal. SolidWorks & MS Excel to create post punch patterns. Customized customer sales drawings of their new tailer order created with AutoCAD. Knowledge of manufacturing, sheet metal industrial processes, & working as a team member, hitting CAD drawing deadline goals. Good learning experience of seeing CAD concepts created into real life DOT approved transport trailers, driven cross country & in various countries worldwide.
Shoe Retail Sales
Parker, CO
Aug 2007 - Sep 2018 (11 years 1 month)
Shoe retail sales. Responsible for helping customers find right shoe for them weather it be for athletic purposes or fashion and casual wear. Organizing boxes of shoes and creating proper displays with like styles. Making shoe links that have digital remote frequency up-dated prices. Cleaning up shoe sales area and making sure everything is in proper location. Creating shoe riser displays for proper brand representation. Overall customer service, cashiering and positively generating store shoe sales.
Collectable shoe sales
Dec 2002 - Dec 2007 (5 years)
Bought and sold hundreds of collectible Nikes, Adidas, Reebok and other rare shoes. Thousands of dollars exchanged during my ebay career. Gain great historical insight gained about the history of collectible sneakers and customization as well. Used Adobe Photoshop to create enhanced computer generated images of collectable shoe in order to popularize and increase my search visibility for auction.