Mine Town set
Beauty and The Beast Castle 2 - The Beasts' castle set with the library exposed and the windows lit.
Beach Snack Bar set
Beauty and The Beast Castle 1 - This is The Beast's castle, with the library covered and the hidden room (behind the fireplace) closed. The fire in the fireplace worked, and the stained glass windows lit up, as well as the rose in the upper right. I used self-made stamps to make wallpaper.
Beauty and the Beast Town set - Belle's town set with Belle's house in the center
Orpheus Advertising Drop 2008-2009
Orpheus Ad Drop 2009-2010 - 40x30ft
Street Scene set
Street Scene Abotoire set
Street Scene Toy Store set
Street Scene Tenement set
Crazy for You kitchen set
Crazy for You apartment set
RENT set Amp
RENT set Tower
RENT set Upstairs
Ad Drop 2010-2011
RENT set
Oneonta Theare Gala stage and bar
Oneonta Theare Gala stage and bar
Frankenstein House Set 2011 - Stage for the Oneonta Stage Players production of Frankenstein 1930 on Halloween, 2011. Production was all in black and white.
Frankenstein's Lab Set 2011 - Stage for the Oneonta Stage Players production of Frankenstein 1930 on Halloween, 2011. Production was all in black and white.
Frankenstein Schematic 2011 - Full-sized schematic for Frankenstein's monster that was on the upper level of the lab. In the final production, the monster actually hides in front of this, 'blending in' to the image. This piece was signed by the cast and crew and given to___________, an actual scientist with his own lab, who donated his time and Tesla coils and Jacob's Ladders to our production. It currently hangs in his lab.
Frankenstein set with mangled door 2011
The SQUARE Tesla Coil - They said it couldn't be done, but our in-house scientist made this square Tesla coil for our production in his spare time. This sucker made Ozone like crazy when turned on and really made the resurrection scene amazing in the final show. Fun side note: The dials and gauges are fake, and labeled "sugar, spice, and everything nice."
stand for the fuctioning Jacob's ladder.
The Odd Couple (female version) Set
The Odd Couple (female version) Set
The Odd Couple (female version) Set
The Odd Couple (female version) Set
Cabaret Set 2011
Cabaret Set 2011
Cabaret set 2011
Always, Patsy Cline Kitchen Set 2010
The Producers Springtime for Hitler
The Producers
The Producers pidgeon perch
The Producers Bialystock's office
The Producers
Sugar Yacht
Sugar Sleeper Car
Sugar garage
A Don't Hug me Christmas Carol set
Hairspray Hefty Hideaway set 2012
Hairspray TV set 2012
Hairspray set 2012
Hairspray set 2012
RENT set
Theatre sets
Ian Austin
Illustration, Puppets, Costumes, Set painting, Photography and more Oneonta, NY